Friday, 20 July 2007

Doing things properly v thinking you are doing them properly but not

Doing this project has really shown me how focused I can be and how sharp my mind can become IF I put my mind to it.

For the past couple of years my mind has been in a kind of foggy hazzy messy kind of state whereby I don't actually get much done and procrastinate and kid myself that I am doing stuff when I am actually only making a half arsed attempt.

Maybe this is part of getting older or maybe just not having devised enough strategies to get my butt out of bed and head out of the clouds/fantasy land

(yes, I still do that a bit "living in my head" as we call it in AA. I do this particularly when at work as I often feel lonely and will fantasize that I have a friend next to me or a handsome man when I leave the office to go to the bank. I need to find more constructive ways of dealing with and managing my feeling of isolation at work, but I digress...)

what was I saying......oh yes, basically I CAN do things when I put my mind to it, the problem is developing ways of putting my mind to it more often..suggestions welcome.

Things to be grateful for today: SOBER FOR OVER TWO YEARS :-), no fags today, doing a gratitude list today as not done one for weeks, nearly at end of my course, feeling settled where I live, rain, sunshine, supportive family, health, technology,nail varnish, one reader of my blog,tea, tea, coffee, coffee, coffee......

1 comment:

johno said...

If you want people to know you are here, Go flash your friendly smile and hold out your hand on other peoples blogs!! Then theyll know your here:)