Thursday, 4 October 2007


"We intuitively know how to handle situations that previously baffled us"

Indecision: buy this flat/don't buy this flat.

Go to this party/don't got to this party

No one has the answers, they can only guide and no one is always right or right most of the time even.

People you think have the answers don't necessarily and people who sound very compelling are often wrong.

Taking Risks

Is life all just about luck??

Why do some suffer more than others?

Why am I so indecisive........??

A lot of questions.

I still feel that some people in my home group don't like me. Maybe they don't. but why do I care so much??

Why do the same things bug me over and over again?

I don't think there are any answers really

Do the right thing and the right thing happens?? But how does this apply to chosing between two innocuous options??

Too much thinking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have thinking spells like this too, mostly centered around things i can't control. i mostly pray about them. good luck. =)