Monday, 2 April 2007

Challenge negative thoughts-why bother!!

I tried to think positively about the situation I found myself in the other day (see previous posts "Nice Bloke sham about me" and "Altered Attitude and honesty") but, low and behold, I was right the first time. He wasn't in the slightest bit interested. He ingorned the message I sent him. I just give up on men. My higher power (which takes great delight in seeing me suffer) just clearly wants me to be single and alone for THE REST OF MY LIFE. He wants me to be happy, joyous and free. BULLSH*T. If it wants me to be alone and single for the rest of my life. SO BE IT. I will make sure I enjoy it anyway just to P*SS it off. Also, to really annoy this punishing higher power of mine I wont even mention it again. If that is your will for me. FINE.

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