Monday 23 April 2007

Doing Chairs

Nearly two years sober and went to the venue of my first ever meeting tonight to do a chair. Saw my name in the birthday book for 7 May 2005 and felt really proud of myself. Couple of people where there who I came into the fellowship around about the same time. One of them I think I had upset in my madness (during 'i hate men' rant) and the other I have not been particularly friendly to over the course of the last two years. Who can blame them for not falling over themselves to greet me.

I could see that they cared about me though, in their eyes and their hearts were warm I guess even though I can see that they were a bit wary of me.

What can I say? I HAVE been extremely moody/touchy/over sensitive/angry in my early recovery. BUT I am not going to be too hard on myself about that. I was extremely sad underneath it all and in a lot of pain. My heart felt like it had broken ( I know how that sounds, but it's true.

So the lesson: don't snap at others too much or you end up losing people.

Things I am grateful for today:

I am sober
I have not had a fag
No prescription drugs
No destructive/obsessive relationship
Went to work
Worked out at the gym
Had a lovely chocolate croissant
Public transport worked OK
boss away :-)
Tidy desk
Did a chair
My thank-you card from meeting:

"May the road rise with you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rains fall soft upon your fields
and, until we meet again
My god keep you in the hollow of your hand"

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