Monday, 2 April 2007

If you don't like me YOU CAN F**K OFF

I am just bored of it. Thinking I am crap at everything. I am not, actually. I am good at some things and am just doing the best I can with what I have got.

I am sick of trying to make people like me. If they don't, who cares. I find astonishing that people who have been a long time round in recovery and who purportedly practise the principle of forgiveness and compassion, don't actually forgive those newer in recovery.

It makes me angry that I have felt so bad and thought that everything is my fault, when quite clearly those who have been round longer, are just as crap as we all are!

To think I put these people on a pedestal! I guess this is what they mean by 'more will be revealed to you and to us.'

Some of the people I initially looked up to in recovery are the most hypocrital. The most 'i am mr/mrs recovery' are usually the ones full of sh*t.

Yeah, and if you don't like me or my blog you can F**K OFF.

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