Wednesday, 8 August 2007


Is so cool, thanks Irish Friend of Bill for mentioning my blog and great to meet you all fellow bloggers. Comments and suggestions really very much appreciated.

Just come from a great meeting, I love it when people you haven't seen for ages comment on how much progress I have made, cause I can't see it sometimes.

I feel so much better today, this too shall pass and all that...

Being a bit negative minded I can see now that I wasn't 'seeing' the NEW friends that I have made over the past couple of years. I have been invited out to loads of BBQs, picnic, music concerts this summer by people I have met recently. I feel a bit faintly surprised when people invite me to things, like they must have made a mistake, but I guess some people do actually like me, which is really cool.

So even though life isn't how I think it should be (i.e I stay friends with the same group) it is still good as there are lots of people I see/email/speak to that make me laugh and feel wanted and feel happy.

It's made me think about the amount of effort I put into relationships; I am very passive; I wait to get invited to things rather than taking the initiate and inviting people to things that I organise. It's fear of rejection, but ultimately a bit self centered. SOOOOOO, I am organising something for next Saturday, I don't know what yet as I am a bit crappy at thinking of things to do at the moment, but I am going to do it. It's cool to be invited out to things.

Meetings are great for making you feel better..funny that..I always forget..bring your body and your mind will follow...!


johno said...

Do what makes YOU feel comfortable (even if you end up doing it alone) do what you like. To thine own self be true. Glad you feel better!!

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Yeh. Too right.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Hey what do I know, but I think its good manners to leave return comments on other peoples blogs who take the time to visit your site. Its a bit funny at first, but its the best way to get to know other bloggers. clicking on their name should take you to thier blog so its pretty easy. dont be a shy blogger! heheh

ArahMan7 said...

So don't blame me. My Irish friend of Bill sent me over here. She's been telling everybody in Recovery Blogosphere how cool you're. So, here I am.

Very good advise, my Irish friend of Bill. You see, I'm from far far away and yet I befriended most Recovery Blogger. It's just good manners. Like I scratch your back, you scratch mine thingy.

So, tell us what happened last Saturday?

Greetings and lotta loves from Malaysia.

Shadow said...

i like that 'bring your body and your mind will follow' bit! must remember that too.

i'm also pretty much an outsider. i may know a lot of people, but i don't really feel part of the group. always been like that. am still like that. don't know why.

johno said...

So how d'it go ?

Determined1 said...

My lap top is broken and they are telling me they can't fix it at the moment, so I am not rude and am aware of blogging etiquette and would love to check out other's blogs but it has just not been possible, but thanks for the advice.

johno said...
