Tuesday 14 August 2007


I walked straight past the guy who dumped me just before I came into AA today, not seen him for two years or so.

we saw each other but it happened quickly and I just walked straight passed. I wish I had stopped now to say hi. He looked well and handsome and happy.

I resented him for a long time.

I am happy he is happy though. I can see how I was too unwell/insecure to have an adult relationship and he didn't have feelings for me, which is fair enough. It bloody hurt though.

Grateful today for
my sobriety,
not smoking,
interview tomorrow,
my job,
spinning class,
that I asked a friend to join me for an outing to hear some poetry, my home group tonight
realisation that I need to try to make more effort with people/trust them a bit more/to grow up a bit.


johno said...

Good luck with interview!

Determined1 said...

Aww thanks, motivational speach of Steve Jobs-wow!!

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

I always think the cure for whatever problem you suffer from is to try to help another person heal from the very same problem.
People with 'broken hearts' include:
SE at world of an addict
Chris at Methed up
Clarity at Clarity Case
Red Cardinal
Sober Steve

Mind you, EVRYONE has had their heart broken at some point or other, but these are people who are 'living through' this chapter at the moment.