Monday 20 August 2007

Missed Flight-lessons learned

Have to travel today for work and have just missed my flight, booked onto the next one at the expense of my employer. Will probably have to settle up myself. Not making a very good impression with my colleagues. Very embarrassed. It was avoidable; I took some extra time because I had to by a case and a new suit, things I have meant to do for a long time, in fact could have done yesterday but was too busy self obsessing, duvet diving and being slothful.

Must not get blow this out of proportion. Everyone makes mistakes. The lesson learned is this: be more proactive, don't leave things to the last minute as what starts off as a pebble will quickly become a stone and later a boulder. Must learn to get that haircut, book that dentist appointment, build up my wardrobe gradually to avoid situations like where I suddenly have an interview and nothing to wear and hair looking like a bird's nest and having to travel to work and having no suitcase and, as a result, missing my flight and having to make financial amends to my employer!!!!!!!!

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