Thursday 23 August 2007


Very tired today after flying and having lots of work to do, it has been exciting as doing something different. Feeling this tired all the time I am sure can't be normal. Trying to drink more water.

Have a new sponsee, who is to my surprise ringing as we agreed. I get a lot out of having sponsees. One of mine has just moved to a different country and she is doing really well. Bless her. Funnily enough she is at step nine and she has moved to the country where most of the people she will need to make amends to are based!

Missed both my home groups this week though as not been in London. Hey ho, not much I could've done about that so I will go to one tomorrow.

I do miss not going to my home groups.

Made a few promises to myself about changing a few things in my life, which I hope to stick to. I have, higher power makes in uncomfortable for me when it's time to change something.

Learning all the time from other people at work, which is great.

1 comment:

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Hey I'm glad to hear she is doing really well over there. Amazing isn't it? See she couldn't have done that without having been taken through the programme by a sponsor could she? So I see a very significant contribution there. If our job is to be 'helpful' then you definitely have fulfilled THAT criteria. Which is always a good thing to know as (in theory) it means we are moving closer to gods will, and all the other promises that go with that.
Well it sounds like a busy week, so no wonder you're tired. Just catch up with sleep and you'll be back to normal in no time. The bank holiday should help..